Many retired Canadians end up back in the workforce within months of retiring because they were unprepared for the financial and non-financial realities of retirement. Some are just plain bored, while others are afraid they will run out of money. Ever wonder if you have enough money to retire or when can you retire? Are you ready to start doing those items on your bucket list?
What's keeping you from doing that? Perhaps, you identify with one of these statements below:
Not sure if I will outlive my money
Will I have enough monthly income?
Not sure what I will retire to
Feeling a little overwhelmed, not sure where to start?
What if it doesn't work out, can I go back to work?
Should I downsize first?
How much income do I actually need? How much will I have?
How does CPP and OAS work? How much will I receive?
What other risks should I be aware of? What are the "what-ifs" I need to prepare for?
Have all your questions answered and become aware of exactly where you stand with regards to your readiness to retire. Take advantage of our Retirement Readiness Assessment.
The Process:
1. We will send you a checklist of information to give us in advance so that we can prepare for the meeting.
2. We will meet at our office, or video conference if you are outside Calgary.
3. At the meeting we will present and go over your Assessment of your Retirement Readiness.
The Outcome:
1. Clarity around how much money you need in order to retire
2. Better idea of when you can retire
3. Exactly how much income you will have in retirement
4. When is the best time to take CPP and OAS benefits
5. An understanding of how important a retirement plan is and how to create one
6. What your unique risks are and how to mitigate them
7. Strategies for generating predictable, sustainable, tax-efficient income for life
8. How you should transition into retirement
9. A written Assessment to help you successfully transition into your ideal retirement lifestyle
Want to retire in the next few years? Find out why a Retirement Income Plan is necessary.
Your Retirement Income Specialists,
Willis and Nancy Langford
"Retire on time & retire well"