Investment Planning Blog Articles

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Retirement Income Planning, Calgary
  • Feb 09, 2025
  • Willis Langford

Keeping Your Emotions In Check In The Midst of Volatility

How do you keep your emotions in check in the midst of so much volatility? Momma said there be days like this. Days where the risks seem to pile up higher than the rewards. Sometimes it's only a few days, sometimes it's a few weeks and. . .

Retirement Income, Tax, & Estate Planning, Calgary
  • Oct 09, 2024
  • Willis Langford

Business Owners Can Deal With The New Capital Gains Tax By Using A Liquidity Contract

Recently the Federal government made changes to the capital gains inclusion rate for Canadians. The inclusion rates were increased from 50% to 66. 67%. For personal capital gains, the first $250,000, the inclusion rates remain at 50%; however, for. . .

Stocks or Bonds?
  • Jul 14, 2024
  • Willis Langford

The Difference Between Stocks and Bonds

Although stocks and bonds are both good investments there are big differences between the two. The old-school rule of thumb was to have a percentage of bonds in your portfolio that corresponds with your age. If you are age 60 then you would have 60%. . .

Retirement Income & Tax Planning, Calgary
  • Aug 23, 2023
  • Willis Langford

Using Annuities As a Guaranteed Cash Flow Strategy in Retirement

Fixed Income Part of a Retirement Plan     What happened to bonds?   The traditional model of creating a retirement portfolio using a 60/40 mix of equities and bonds is broken.  You end up with 40% of your portfolio adding little. . .

Retirement Income Planning, Calgary
  • Jan 07, 2023
  • Willis Langford

Recession Proofing Your Portfolio

The most anticipated recession of all time is about to unfold - or is it? You can't say you didn't see it coming because you'd have to be living in a cave to miss this one. What we don't know is if it's going to happen for. . .

Retirement Income Planning, Calgary
  • Aug 23, 2022
  • Willis Langford

The Sequence of Returns and The Impact It Has On Running out of Money In Retirement

What is Sequence of Return Risk? Oftentimes, investors are instructed to own a well-diversified portfolio in accordance with their risk tolerance and then maintain it through all market conditions until their situation changes or they are faced. . .

Retirement Income Planning, Calgary
  • Jun 04, 2022
  • Willis Langford

Inflation and The Impact It Has On Your Portfolio

The big story of 2022 has been inflation. I recently checked the price of a hotel in Kalispell, MT for the month of July and the mid-week nightly rate at The Hampton Inn would set me back more than $500/night. A bag of avocados has more than. . .

Retirement Income Planning, Calgary
  • Mar 13, 2022
  • Willis Langford

Retirement Investment Planning Amid Chaos

I remember a haunting scene from a movie about the Nazi Invasion and its attempt to wipe out the Jewish people. There’s a gripping scene where 3 children are being torn from their father and the father begs the Nazi soldier to let his children. . .

Retirement Income Planning, Calgary
  • Jan 01, 2022
  • Willis Langford

Need Some Retirement Income or Tax Advice? - Talk To An Expert

Talk To An Expert   This service is for you if you have a specific question about your financial situation that you would like to discuss with a Retirement Income & Tax Advisor. The cost is $125 for 30 minutes - You can select a phone. . .

Retirement Income Planning, Calgary
  • Oct 26, 2021
  • Willis Langford

The Difference Between Inflation and Stagflation

What's the difference between Inflation and Stagflation? Inflation is the cost of goods and services going up. If you have been grocery shopping lately, you know what I mean. This past week I noticed a beef roast listed at $47. . . .

Retirement Income Planning, Calgary
  • Sep 28, 2021
  • Willis Langford

Building A Sustainable Retirement Portfolio For The Next Decade

We have to rethink the way we think to create risk-appropriate and tax-efficient investment strategies. There are a lot more risks to consider than just your emotions. In an effort to simplify and standardize the investment world, most. . .

Retirement Income Planning, Calgary
  • Sep 17, 2021
  • Willis Langford

9 Questions Answered about RESPs

9 Questions Answered About RESPs  One of the greatest gifts we can give our kids is to help them kick off the first phase of their adult lives not drowning in debt. That’s what an RESP is for. It might not cover everything, but it’s. . .

Reverse Mortgages, Calgary
  • Sep 17, 2021
  • Willis Langford

Reverse Mortgages and Other Alternatives To Increasing Cash Flow

Would you like to access more tax-free cash flow in retirement?   The largest asset that you have in retirement is your home, it represents a large chunk of dormant equity. It's like you have this piggy bank, but the money is trapped inside. . . .

Retirement Income Planning, Calgary
  • Sep 10, 2021
  • Willis Langford

Reshaping Your Investment Portfolio For Retirement

The investment strategies you used during your accumulation years will not be appropriate during your decumulation years. You have worked hard to build up your retirement savings and as you prepare to make the transition and start taking money. . .

Retirement Income Planning, Calgary
  • Jul 20, 2021
  • Willis Langford

The 5 Essentials For Getting Started On Your Wealth-Building Journey

The 5 Essentials For Getting Started On Your Wealth-Building Journey "If you don't know where you are going any road will take you there" If you know where you want to go it's best to take the time to discover the most direct route. . . .

Retirement Income Planning, Calgary
  • Jul 09, 2021
  • Willis Langford

Some Advantages To Owning Funds Instead of Individual Stocks

When it comes to investing you have many options available. The problem is understanding the tax implications of the investment vehicles you choose. Different types of income are taxed differently and will have an impact on your total. . .

Retirement Income Planning, Calgary
  • May 16, 2021
  • Willis Langford

8 Investment Behaviours That Can Derail Your Retirement Income

Everyone wants to make money from their investments and it's easier to do if you can follow a plan. Understanding your behaviour is key to successful investing. Most of what we do each day is based on habits and mental shortcuts our brains have. . .

Retirement Income Planning, Calgary
  • May 07, 2021
  • Willis Langford

Post Pandemic Portfolio Positioning - Part 2

The biggest mistake to avoid right now is sitting on too much cash. We are staring down the barrel of the biggest increase in inflation that most of us have ever seen and cash is losing value. There is just so much money being thrown into the. . .

Flat-Fee Retirement Income Planning, Calgary
  • Apr 13, 2021
  • Willis Langford

Post Pandemic Portfolio Positioning - Part 1

The big story so far in 2021 is the third wave of rapidly climbing cases of COVID 19. We don't know how effective a vaccine is going to be or how fast it can be administered, so we are in the midst of this pandemic for a while yet. Please follow. . .

Fee-only Retirement Income Planning, Calgary
  • Mar 19, 2021
  • Willis Langford

Navigating Choppy Financial Markets

Navigating Choppy Financial Waters   The stock markets have had a rough start to 2021 and you may be wondering what's going on? The big story is interest rates and the threat of inflation.  The truth is there always is a crisis. . .

Retirement Income Planning, Calgary
  • Mar 01, 2021
  • Willis Langford

Cryptocurrency - Part I & II

Part I It seems these days you hear about Bitcoin everywhere you go. Well, I had hoped it would go away because I was not looking forward to having to explain it. Cryptocurrencies and blockchain are all the rage and I have yet to find anyone. . .

Fee-only Retirement Income Planning, Calgary
  • Sep 29, 2020
  • Willis Langford

Should you Have Gold and Silver In Your Retirement Income Portfolio?

During the last financial crisis, I wanted to buy some Silver, as the prices were starting to soar. I asked Nancy to go to the Scotiabank that used to be located on 8th Avenue downtown, near where she worked. She came home, on the bus, with a large. . .

Retirement Income Planning, Calgary
  • Sep 03, 2020
  • Willis Langford

The Do's and Don't of Owning Rental Properties in Retirement

We love rental properties as much as anyone and believe that they can be a great source of income, especially for your retirement years, however, caution needs to be taken so that you don't end up losing other income benefits or pay unnecessary. . .

Fee-only Retirement Income Planning, Calgary
  • Apr 29, 2020
  • Willis Langford

When Is A Good Time To Be Investing?

One of my favourite lines that I heard over the past year is, "I have never met a rich pessimist". In order to make money, there has to be a foundational belief that things will improve, and I believe they will. Napoleon Hill's famous book,. . .

Fee-only Retirement Income & Wealth Planning, Calgary
  • Apr 12, 2020
  • Willis Langford

Retirement Investing Basics 101

In the Spring of 2000, we received a letter from Sun Life Financial informing us that due to the demutualizing of the company we were entitled to 102 shares of the company. We did not understand it at the time so we tucked it away for a little while. . .

Fee-Only Retirement Income Planning, Calgary
  • Apr 02, 2020
  • Willis Langford

Guide to Investment Fees and Determining Value in Retirement

If all investments were the same then fees would be important. But, not all investments are the same. If you are looking to buy gasoline for your car you would naturally buy it from the station offering it at the lowest price, because you. . .

  • Aug 10, 2019
  • Willis Langford

The 4 Keys to Successful Investing

Everyone wants to make money from their investments, but few do because they are constantly running in and out of the markets, however, it's easy to do if you follow these 4 keys: 1. Understanding your behaviour. Most of what we do each day. . .

Retirement Income & Investment Planning, Calgary
  • Apr 10, 2018
  • Willis Langford

How To Rob A Bank

Some years ago (2012) we were celebrating being "debt-free" and contemplating our next financial move. We had a significant amount of equity in our house and were looking for opportunities to grow our wealth. We had already set up a "HELOC" (Home. . .

Fee-only Retirement Income Planners, Calgary
  • Feb 24, 2018
  • Willis Langford

You Will Not Retire 30% Richer With Questrade

As a Certified Financial Planner, I am shocked at how much of a doormat the financial services industry is in Canada. We've learned nothing from watching the slow-moving trainwreck within the Oil and Gas industry which waited too long and did. . .

Retirement Income Planning, Calgary
  • Jan 12, 2018
  • Willis Langford

The Key Differences Between Mutual Funds and Segregated Funds

A mutual fund is simply a basket of individual stocks managed by either a manager or a team of managers. The team will select various investments to hold inside of the fund in order to create a return for their investors. Typically the mutual fund. . .

Retirement Income Planning, Calgary
  • Mar 25, 2017
  • Willis Langford

Creating a Retirement Investment Portfolio During Market Turmoil

Imagine with me for a moment. You are finally ready to let go of the job that has sustained you for many years and enter the wonderful world of your ideal retirement lifestyle and the Stock Market Crashes. It will probably be one of the. . .

Retirement Income Planning, Calgary
  • Oct 17, 2016
  • Willis Langford

What Wealthy People Do That Others Miss

Today's wealthy investors are usually very involved in their financial matters. There is a tremendous amount of information available today on wealth management. Russ Alan Prince published, Wealth management, (Wealth Management Press 2003). . .

TFSA, Calgary
  • Feb 24, 2016
  • Willis Langford

4 Strategies for Your TFSA In Retirement

The truth is, most Canadians still do not understand what a TFSA is, never mind, what to do with it or how to maximize it. A Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) is an account that you can set up through most financial institutions in Canada. The. . .

Retirement Transition, Calgary
  • Feb 03, 2016
  • Willis Langford

Should You Invest In Your RRSP or Your TFSA?

Should you be putting more money into your RRSP or should you contribute to your TFSA (which by-the-way has no deadline)?   Here's a couple of ideas to consider:   1. ) If you have made a significant amount of employment income in. . .

Latest Testimonial

If you are nearing retirement, newly retired, or well into that stage of life and need some honest, reliable financial advice and tax planning services, I highly recommend Willis and Nancy Langford at Langford Financial. I have been working with them since the fall of 2020 and am really happy I made the switch.

I needed much better advice than I was getting from my new bank rep as I was actively preparing for retirement. I found Langford Financial online and booked a review meeting. I was happy that I was sent a complete list of all the information that would be needed prior to my initial meeting so I arrived prepared.

From that initial meeting, I decided to have Willis prepare a retirement plan for me. After we reviewed everything he had prepared, I felt much more confident in what was to come financially during retirement and how I could manage it. That's when I decided to transfer my investment portfolio from my bank to Langford Financial so they could manage it with and for me. I felt they really had my best interests at heart.

It was a pleasant surprise that their approach combined both income planning for retirement and tax planning for both the immediate future and well into retirement. This has proven to be very helpful as it has ended up saving me a lot of money (a lot!) by using credits that had been missed by the company I previously used to prepare my taxes.

I really like working with Willis and Nancy. They are very quick to answer any questions I have and can accommodate virtual or in-person meetings based on what is needed. They also produce a regular newsletter that I really enjoy. It has lots of tips in it and some very good in-depth information that helps me make better decisions---or at least ask better questions!

Moving to Langford Financial was a great decision for me. It has lead to better financial planning and decision-making and much greater peace of mind for me at this time of life.
Sharon Stroick
Full Service Client Since 2020

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