How do you keep your emotions in check in the midst of so much volatility? Momma said there be days like this. Days where the risks seem to pile up higher than the rewards. Sometimes it's only a few days, sometimes it's a few weeks and. . .
The missing LINK to a happy retirement I got the idea somewhere. I just can’t remember where, but it goes like this. The 3 keys to happy retirement (life) are as follows: Something to do. Someone to do it with,. . .
Where can you find a job? Some retired people want to work because they like having something to do each week. Some want to do a job completely different than what they did during their careers. Some want to contribute in a way that's. . .
Why are financial decisions so difficult? Buying a first home. Upsizing. Downsizing. Taking a new job. Investing. Here's what I think is the biggest challenge of our time. Headlines that grab our attention. Look at these from the past. . .
There was a man who was walking to work and to his misfortune, he fell into a manhole. His friends came and helped him out of the manhole and he made his way to work. The very next day, he was on his way to work, and once again, he fell into the. . .
On January 1, 1929, the Golden Bears faced the Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, California. Midway through the second quarter, Riegels, who played center on both offensive and defensive lines picked up a fumble by. . .
Maybe it's not possible to have the perfect retirement, but it is possible to aim for a better one, and it has 3 key ingredients - time, energy and money. When you are young you have energy and time, but no money. As an adult you have. . .
Life comes with an element of risk that cannot be avoided. Every time you leave your house you are exposed to a whole realm of risks. A risk of getting into an accident. Slipping and falling or being the victim of someone else's negligence. . . .
Every day you are faced with another increase in the cost of living. Your natural reaction to inflation is to tighten and stop spending, but I don't think you have enough time to lose in life to always be waiting. Life is short. Retirement is. . .
The big story of 2022 has been inflation. I recently checked the price of a hotel in Kalispell, MT for the month of July and the mid-week nightly rate at The Hampton Inn would set me back more than $500/night. A bag of avocados has more than. . .
What Does It Mean To Have Your Total Financial House In Order? Most Canadians have many financial products spread from one institution to another. Life insurance, group health and dental benefits from work, group RRSPs, LIRAs and pension plans. . .
The year was 2009. The month was February. The financial crisis had recently happened. Things were a little bleak - similar to now. We decided as a family to go on a cruise from Long Beach, California. The flights were too expensive so we jumped in. . .
Where do we go from here? It's September 2021 and we are closing in on 2 years of living in a pandemic. Being the optimistic people we are, we want to believe that at some point in the not too distant future someone will announce it's all. . .
I have always admired those who attempt and achieve great things far beyond what the average person does. Paul is one of these people. He appears to be an ordinary person and he has done. . .
Shocking Stat If you track 20 people from age 50 onward, here's what will happen by age 70. According to the Canadian critical illness table from 2008, 1. 5 will have died and 8. 5 will be dealing with a life-threatening illness. That. . .
For most people, retirement comes with two concurrent events, more free time and an empty nest. The period of life when a lot of people are retiring from work coincides with when their youngest children are leaving home. Consequently, most. . .
How can couples get on the same page prior to retirement? A couple of years ago, Nancy and I attended a marriage enrichment seminar. It was a Friday evening and a Saturday morning event. I even think it was my idea and I signed us up and paid. . .
When you are married it's impossible to move forward into your ideal lifestyle if you and your spouse are not on the same page, especially with money and retirement. You have competing visions and at some point, you both have to get on the same. . .
Why do men struggle with retirement more than women? I know this is a generalization, but I do think it is a serious and prevalent concern. Based on our experience in talking with men and based on our reading and research there are many issues. . .
News from the storm cellar. . . The easiest thing to do right now is to succumb to the fear and panic that prevails in our world, but it will only lead to despair and hopelessness. Here are some practical strategies for staying positive during. . .
Is Your Financial House In Order? Self-Assessment For Pre-Retirement Income Planning People retire for different reasons and at different ages. Some have a plan and have time to prepare and for others, it is forced upon them to no. . .
Have you ever seen the movie, "All The Money In The World"? It's the true story of the Getty Oil empire. I'll try not to ruin the movie for you in case you have not seen it yet. But, I'm sure you know where this is going. Mr. . . .
I recently sat down with a few different guys to discuss their transition into retirement. I first met with Bruce for a coffee and to discuss his transition into retirement. I met Bruce and his wife a few years ago when they attended one of our. . .
I asked Anne, a recent retiree, what advice she would offer to other people who are getting ready to retire and I was surprised by her response. She said, "be leery of people who think you have all the time in the world to help them with their. . .
Perhaps you know the illustration of the physics teacher who gave his students a wide-mouth mason jar. He then gave them five big rocks, a handful of marbles, a container of sand, and a glass of water. He said, “You’ve got fifteen seconds to put. . .
Problem: Miss one of the four key numbers in your calculation, and you could be headed for disaster. Four Major Pitfalls of Investing in Retirement Investing in retirement can be tricky, as it requires that you consider several factors. . .
The surveys and statistics are overwhelming. Most Canadians are entering Retirement with no plan. Maybe that's not entirely true. Because no plan is a plan - it's a plan to fail! The fact of the matter is that most Canadians do not plan. . .
The grasshopper watches the ant working diligently all summer long, making a home and gathering food for the winter. Thinking the ant a fool, the grasshopper spends his summer days playing in the sun and consuming whatever food comes his way. When. . .